
Denmark, Bangladesh join forces to combat antimicrobial resistance

Online Correspondent

Dhaka and Copenhagen have further strengthened  cooperation to combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Bangladesh by working  towards a prudent use of antibiotics in livestock production.
To this effect, Bangladesh and Denmark signed a government to government (G- To-G) cooperation deal on Sunday in the capital, said a press release here  today.
The AMR is a major health threat globally while in Bangladesh, there were  more than 26,200 deaths caused by AMR in 2019. 

On the occasion of the signing, Danish Ambassador to Bangladesh Christian  Brix Moller said Denmark is honored to be a part in this partnership to  combat this health threat by working towards a more prudent use of  antibiotics in food production. 

This project is aimed to reduce antibiotic misuse in livestock by raising  awareness and implementing a residue control plan, ensuring safer food and  healthier communities, said the envoy. 

"The signing has solidified the commitment of both nations to continue close  cooperation in the food and agricultural sector," said Major General Md.  Shameem Haidar, director general of the Directorate General of Drug  Administration (DGDA). 

Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Bangladesh Food Safety Authority,  Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution, Directorate General of Drug  Administration and Department of Livestock Services will jointly implement a  project under the signed deal between Denmark and Bangladesh, the release  added.


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